The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK December Meeting
Greetings from the new President of MMK, Dallas Bolen! As my first official act, I would like to thank our outgoing President, Kay Alston, and Program Coordinator, Genia Planck, for their excellent service to the Guild. I hope to continue the tradition.
The December program was our holiday party, held at the home of Marilyn Riffkin where we were greeted by her canine doorbell, Rocky, her longhaired dachshund. Marilyn’s husband, Alan, acted as coat checker while relaxing (escaping??) in their family room!
Marilyn took notes but I didn’t so I will have to rely on hers as well as my memory to report on the rest of the meeting. We had about 13 members in attendance (15 if you include Rocky and Lilly, Mady’s poodle, as guests), but since I can only come up with 11 names, I won’t list any of them to avoid embarrassing myself! We had a lovely evening with knitting (of course!), show-and-share, good talk, good food and our traditional gift exchange. We did shoehorn in a brief business meeting which yielded the election of yours truly as President. We decided that one person couldn’t replace Genia and voted to have a Program Committee. Mady, Lauri and Lorena volunteered to take on this job. We are still in need of a Membership Chair so if you are interested in this position, please let me know. We also discussed ideas for upcoming meetings, our 2006 charity project and ways to increase membership. We will continue these discussions at the next meeting on Wednesday, January 4, so please bring your ideas.
I will close by wishing you all a wonderful holiday. I look forward to seeing you next year. Now I am off to wrap presents and watch the Redskins-Cowboys game!
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