The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK February Meeting
Well, we finally had snow! Down here in Calvert County we got about 8-10”. My husband got to use our tractor to plow out our driveway (and the neighbor’s) and the county snowplow came through early to clear our road. Not too bad except that we were without power for 18 hours! Our trusty woodstove kept us warm but since everything in our house is electric, including the well pump, we had no water (nothing to drink, shower or flush with). We usually fill up the bathtub and multiple jugs with water but we were lulled into complacency by the lack of snow when we went to bed. Thank goodness for bottled water! We cooked and heated water on our camp stove in the garage and I didn’t lose any food in the fridge or the freezer! I took advantage of the down time to knit (what else would I do??). Now the sun is out and the temperature is rising so we can move on with our normal activities.
Our February meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. At Roll Call we checked off Christine Estacion, Karen Gardner, Kathy Graziani, Karen Hogan, Donna Jaffe, Lauri Katz, Marilyn Rifkin, and Kathleen Walton.
Old Business:
Membership was our first topic and we had the following reports:
- After much discussion about costs and return for the money, we decided not to place an ad in the UMD Terrapin.
- The revised poster was passed around for approval. I will have copies made and will bring them to the March meeting for distribution.
- Lauri will speak to the Fiberworks owner to see if she will allow us to use her mailing list to solicit new members.
- Marilyn reported that there have been no replies from the Craiglist info she posted. The posting expires weekly and she will continue to renew it.
- Christine and Lauri reported that their Guilds thought the Hospitality Room was a good idea.
- Lauri will contact the Virginia Guilds to see if any of them would like to participate too.
- Karen Hogan set up a Yahoo account for MMK and explained how it worked. She sent out invitations to join to everyone on the membership list.
We had no new business.
Christine gave a nice presentation on increasing using books and demonstration.
For our program, Lauri, Marilyn, and Kathleen brought projects from which to choose for our knitalong. They were a sideways, leftover yarn vest; the Einstein jacket; and a circumnavigated sweater. The membership chose the Einstein jacket. If you don’t have the book, The Knit Stitch, Lauri will be bringing copies of the pattern to the meeting. You may choose the women’s, men’s, or children’s version to knit. We will begin the project at the March meeting. I have provided a materials list at the end of the minutes.
The skill for the March meeting will be decreasing and will be led by Lauri Katz.
The meeting ended, as always, with our Show and Share segment and adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Show and Share details:
Dallas Bolen: socks and an afghan for a wedding gift
Kathleen Walton: brown woolen shawl and socks
Marilyn Riffkin: Einstein jacket
Karen Gardner: poncho
Kathy Graziani: sideways baby sweater for charity
Christine Estacion: socks and the beginning of a baby blanket for her godchild
Donna Jaffe: socks and a tweed jacket
Karen Hogan: still finishing the v-neck pullover for her husband
Lauri Katz: two pair of socks and a baby sweater
See you at the next meeting: Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Program: Einstein Jacket Knitalong
Skill: Decreasing
Einstein Jacket Materials List (from the book The Knit Stitch, by Sally Melville):
Bulky weight yarn (450-800 yds. for the children’s version and 1,100-1,500 yds. for the women’s version)
Size 8 and 10 needles (circular preferred due to the number of stitches)
Size H to G crochet hooks
5-6 1” buttons
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