Monday, October 16, 2006

The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK October Meeting

We had our first frost this week. I am not quite ready for that much cold but the frost does help kill off fleas, flies and other pests (I try to find the good in EVERYTHING!)

For the October meeting we had a very small group but we had a good time.

In attendance were yours truly, Christine Estacion, Donna Jaffe, Lauri Katz, Mady Segal, JJinny Townsend, Vicki Loop and special guest, Lily Segal!.

With regards to the Stitches hospitality suite, those present voted to shelve it for this year. However, since Stitches will be in Baltimore again next year (the first weekend of November), we decided to try again. I have emailed Kerri Gruber, Dolores Roberts and Vita Simon with this information and asked them to inform their guild members. Hopefully we can get an early start on next year and have something nice for the members.

There was no new business.

For Announcements and Items of Interest, Lauri brought brochures about LaHara and mentioned the studio tour scheduled for October 13-15. The Potomac Craftsman’s Guild will be having its annual sale on October 28 from 9:30 – 4:00. The address is 10401 Armory Avenue, Kensington, MD.

Check out the December issue of Knit’N Style to see what our own Jinny Townsend has written!

We had no program due to a commitment of Marilyn’s. She will be doing the coiled basket for the November program.

On to the Show and Share report:

Dallas: finally completed all the pieces for my granddaughter’s sweater and now have to put them together; also started work on the Oat Couture Prairie Blanket for my new granddaughter who will be making her debut in March!

Christine: making progress on her cotton knit/crochet top; socks; sleeves for her brother-in-law’s Christmas gift (I hope there is a body attached to them!)

Jinny : Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Pi shawl

Vicki : proudly showed her first completed sweater and is working on a second child’s bulky sweater

Lauri: is up to the sleeves on her Einstein jacket!

Mady: a “button wrap” – a Louisa Hardon Yarns capelet pattern. She is making it with two of the Dancing Leaf Farms yarns and a ribbon yarn

Donna J: a sage blue, merino wool pullover with cable panels

Next meeting: November 1, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the church.

Note: I will be at an all day retreat that day and may not make the meeting. I will try my best but if I am not there, will someone please take notes and get them to me?? Thanks!

Until then,



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