Saturday, May 31, 2003

Here's an item of interest.


Capital Crocheters & Knitters will be featured at the Artisans United
Gallery in Annandale, VA (Packard Center) during July and August 2003.

As the featured organization, we would like to take this opportunity to
show Gallery shoppers and visitors the variety of yarns and materials
(such as, traditional and novelty yarns and wire) used in a variety of
hand-knitted and crocheted items (such as jewelry, accessories, and
small garments). We invite your members who currenly create and sell
hand-knitted or -crocheted items an opportunity to sell their wares
under the auspices of CCK at the Artisans United Gallery during these
months. If 5-8 knitters and crocheters would like to participate, each
would need to provide 4-5 items for sale by June 27. Jurying is not a

Please contact Debra Lee at 703-354-6351; by June
15, 2003 for sign-up details or if you would like to refer someone who
would be interested in participating.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Maryland Metro Knitters Guild Newsletter June 2003

President’s Column

We had a wonderful program at our May meeting with Genia Planck teaching us how to make beaded necklaces. Thank you, Genia.

Our June 4th program has 2 parts. We will have the TRUNK SHOW from The Knitting Guild of America. This is a box of all the latest yarns from various manufacturers. We will also work on HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS. Please bring copies of patterns that you have to share with others. If you can’t make copies, bring the pattern and we can probably make copies at the Community Center. I have patterns for Christmas tree ornaments (such as little green trees with sequins to decorate them). I also have patterns that are not specific to Christmas that can be used as tree ornaments, but also as gift box attachments; these include miniature hats, mittens, and candy canes. I suggest you bring yarn in holiday colors (red, green, white for Christmas or any colors for the hats and mittens) with appropriate needles. Most of the patterns I know work with worsted or sport weight yarn. If you have extra yarn in your stash, please bring it to share with others.

Genia Planck will now be doing our website and our newsletter. We thank Genia for being willing to do this. A special thank you to Laura Sergovic who has done this job for the guild for more than two years. We appreciate all the work that Laura has done – and we are not surprised that she was happy to hand it over to Genia!

Please send Genia items for the website and the newsletter. Her e-mail address is

Elsewhere in our newsletter are Lorena’s minutes from our May meeting. Take a look at them for information about MMK business, including our possible retreat.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting on June 4th at 7:30 P.M. at the College Park Community Center. If you have any questions or ideas about the guild, please send me an e-mail at
