The August program turned out to be about the best little yarn store in the South. Lorena told us about Ginger's Needlecraft, located in Lafayette, Georgia, as we all drooled over the samples that she brought to the meeting. According to Lorena, the owner buys closeout yarns and then marks them down. Lorena described her experience in this shop as that of a child in a candy store - she just didn't know what to look at and/or buy first. Her total haul, half of which rode home on her lap, cost her in excess of $500!!!We had another small group this month, including Genia, Sharon, Donna J., Laura, Christine, Cassandra, Alana, and Kathy G. Christine also brought a friend, Emily.We received our first issue of Stranded; Genia has it if anyone is interested. Donna J. distributed bookmarks and business cards from KnitNet. And, Genia showed a few of the knit kits that the Girl Scouts make and that I use to teach chemo patients how to knit.
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Lorena wore one of her completed projects -- a simple sleeveless, sweater, which she likes, but found very boring to make because the pattern is simple knit.
Genia worked on a scarf for her aunt, who doubles as the "caretaker" of her house, because neither her aunt's husband, nor her aunt's son remembers her birthday.
Sharon got tired of knitting with wool so she started working on a top down pattern for a v-neck t-shirt. She is now a "top down" convert and wants to learn how to do "fancy things" from the top down.
Donna J. worked on a top down sweater and gave a quick verbal lesson on how she does it. She referred to Barbara Walker's Knitting from the Top Down and revealed her own blue ribbon winning secret - construct sweaters so that the judges can't figure out where the seams and bindoff are! Donna also showed us a finished sock that her husband approved - "very comfortable" - and her prayer shawl that she plans to wear at every Friday service even though it is really a summer shawl. And, she showed us the shawl she refers to as "Summer in Kansas City" which is finally done. It is truly stunning!
Christine modeled a crocheted top that she completed and told us about another one that she is "cleaning up" to enter into the fair. Apparently, this all cotton garment got a little stretchy in Houston's humidity. In short, she was glad she was wearing a bra (humm???). She is also working on a crocheted shawl, in a pineapple pattern, for her sister who is getting married in Italy in October. This shawl will be "something borrowed", not a gift!!!
Laura showed us a Tomtin Jacket (Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern) that one of her Internet groups is working on, as well as one sleeve of a Dale Sweater. When asked why she is working on projects for children she said that it was faster than "grown up" projects. Yet, she is trying to get inspired to work on the second sleeve. Do I hear "the single sleeve syndrome" creeping up??
Kathy G. worked on the "flames" hat that "is not as fun as she thought it would be." She also showed us the sleeves for a sweater that she has been working on for her husband for 3 or 4 years. It is being made out of cheap wool that is sort of scratchy. The good news is that she is working on the sweater. The bad news is that her husband wondered out loud, "What's taking so long?" "How come you haven't finished yet?" "Why are you starting something new?" Poor thing, he just doesn't understand the beauty and challenge of ever changing yarns and design!
Cassandra worked on a lime green afghan that had lots of problems - she had to count stitches on every row. And, the sweater for her husband was "hiding" in her bag - she stopped working on it on a pattern change and needs to get back to it.
Emily (Christine's friend) worked on her counted cross stitch project done on black canvas using a hands free book light ($20 from Barnes and Noble) on her head. At around 8:30 she didn't know whether the headache she was getting was from the light, the black canvas, or the temperature in the room.
Alana almost finished a monk's bag for her husband. She even made wash clothes out of the leftover cotton yarn. She also finished the front sides of an oversized cardigan for herself that almost became the sweater from &$#@. The reason - the yarn that she substituted, knitted up big enough to fit her and her husband. So, she had to take it out and redo the gauge.
Meeting time and room:
Our meetings will start promptly at 7:30 and end at 9:00. They will be held in the youth room of Ensor Hall, lower level. Park in the lot on the side of the church and enter through the door by the playground.
By the time you settle down to read this, the back-to-school season will be in full gear. So, it must be time to start thinking about growing our group again. Please tell everyone you meet what a great bunch of ladies we are -- we have varied interests and talents and we are more than willing to share.
September - Lauri Katz will be giving the program on Knitting Back Backwards & Intarsia knitting. She has requested that we bring two contrasting colored yarns with the appropriate needs.
October Marilyn Rifkin will be showing us again how to make buttons and beads using Sculpty and Fimo clays. This class was a total blast last time we had this.
Things to think aboutWe need to decide who is going to represent MMK at the Knit Out and Crochet Too on September 19 and we should start finalizing retreat plans for November.