I thought it would be a good idea to post this note from Kathy regarding collection of knit goods to take to Russia.
Genia and friends,
The items should be 75% wool or more. It's warmer than acrylic.
Remember, most of Russia is much further north than we are. My sons'
hometown is the same latitutde as Fairbanks, Alaska. This past winter
was normal for them! Superwash or not, it doesn't matter. Few, if
any, of the places have washing machines, let alone dryers! Most
clothes are handwashed. The children range from 4 through 17, so just
about any size above 2 is welcome.
Here is a link for anyone looking for patterns:
Countrywool - Claudia has patterns for both socks and vests
Thank you for helping out. I'll be at both the July and August
meetings to collect. I'll try to remember a camera also, so we can
document our hard work. Anyone who can't be at the meetings, please
call me and we'll see if we can't work out some time for me or my
husband to get the items.