Newsletter for October - November 2003
Message from the President, Mady W. Segal
Hello fellow knitters. This has been a busy month for knitters. The Knit Out and Crochet on the Washington mall was a success despite being in the aftermath of Hurricane Isabel. I especially enjoyed the fashion shows, which were full of inspiration. Many people (about 400!) were taught how to knit and crochet in the teaching tent. A record 12 exhibitors had their wares on display.
I attended Stitches East in Atlantic City. I took classes and spent lots of time -and money - in the market. I took a wonderful 6-hour class with Ginger Luters on knitting a vest in strips. I also loved the class with Sally Melville on "Emergency Measures". Sally's books are terrific and she's even better in person! I will be happy to share some of what I learned in these classes.
Our November meeting is on Wednesday, November 5th. It will be in the youth room at the First United Methodist Church in Hyattsville, which is down the hall from the choir room through the double doors. Sharon Piper tells me that she will be there early to put signs up. She says the room is actually more cozy and comfortable than the choir room and has sofas.
For the November 5th meeting, we will do the following:
· Have show and share. Bring your latest projects, finished or in progress, to share with the rest of us.
· Have a yarn swap/sale. Bring yarn that you want to sell. Put it in a plastic bag and label it with your name and price. One person's discard is another's treasure!
· Bring project ideas and knitting for our reversible stitches project for InKnitters magazine.
· Bring yarn (and accessory) goodies you have gotten lately (e.g., at Stitches).
· Tell us what you learned recently (e.g., from classes at Stitches).
I will send a separate e-mail with information for those who have signed up for the retreat. Because of cancellations from some members who signed up, we still have room at the retreat. If you wish to attend, let me know immediately ( and bring your check (for $80 made out to me) to the meeting on Wednesday.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.
Note from Christine E. regarding Holiday Troop Project. Any questions? Here's Christine's email address:
The Summer Barbecues aren't even cold yet and its time to start planning our Christmas mail out. The goal is a stocking for every troop participating in our program. It's a large undertaking but last year we managed to send about 30,000 and they were a big hit, so we are repeating it again this year with a few minor changes.
It doesn't matter how many you send, every stocking counts. This should be an easy project for everyone, even small children can participate. It's a great project for scouts to earn their community badge, classrooms can make several construction paper stockings, decorate them and have fun, church groups, sewing bees, ladies auxiliary clubs, college dorms, office buildings, everyone can help.
Any kind of stockings will do.They can be made from construction paper or store bought, hand made, old socks that are decorated to look like
stocking, any size, any color. Last year, a few people took the small lunch bags, put in a few goodies and then glued a construction paper stocking on the front. You can show your creativity and decorate them or just leave them plain.
The stockings can be decorated, stuffed with candy canes, wrapped candies, store bought cookies, little toys, anything thing that will make this a festive occasion in these troubled times. It doesn't matter what size the stockings are, just the fact that they are stockings. In fact the smaller stockings would be preferred, they don't take as much to fill and you can put many in a box, and they are lighter.
During the first two weeks of November we will have a definite list of the ships and ground units participating. At that time we will send a name of unit and all directions for mailing the package. The packages should be much lighter than in the past, baked goods weigh a lot more. Once you are ready to mail the package, just send RITA (( an email stating how many stockings are in your box so we can track the quantity. I want to make sure that we have enough for everyone in a unit.
Also, please don't forget the usual letters and Christmas cards to the troops as well as blank cards for them to send home to their loved ones. If you can't do Christmas stockings, maybe you can send a few boxes of blank cards, the dollar stores are beginning to get theirs in now.