Letter from the President3/14/05
Hippity hop! We made bunnies and one beaver at the March meeting. I thoroughly enjoyed this program, as I hope did: Donna, Karen, Jeanne, Christine, Suzanne, Marilyn, Genia, Myla, Sharon, Kathy G. Kathleen, Ruth, Laura, Alana, Dallas, Marilyn, Kathy S., and Valerie. If I missed anyone, I sincerely apologize. I had to rely on my memory (never a good idea) this month.
2005 Programs
April - Don't forget to bring your completed hats for the bagged hat project. We will be voting for the most creative hat. The winner will get a prize. And, those who want to, may donate their hats to Children in Common, care of Kathy Graziani. If you would like more information about CIC, please email Kathy Graziani at sockmama@comcast.net.
We are always looking for more program ideas. Please email Genia with suggestions- knitgenia@aol.com.
Show and Share
Very few of us "showed and shared" at the March meeting because we were nose deep in bunny construction! The following members did show us their latest creations:
Jeanne showed us knitted flowers made with hand dyed yarn at the Chick Knit at Dancing Leaf Farm and Kiparoo Farm.
Donna J. showed us the entrelac hat with earflaps that she designed. You may purchase the pattern at Dancing Leaf Farm for $5.
Suzanne showed and modeled for us her completed purple and lavender ski hat - a Scandanavian design by Penny Straker - and a crocheted driving cap.
Karen showed us a very large crocheted baby blanket made using granny squares.
Marilyn finally finished the sleeves on her purple sweaters. Now, she only has the front left to stitch.
Christine showed us a sleeveless top made from 2 strands of Electra and 1 Regia Crazy Cotton; a Dale of Norway Kongsberg sleeve in progress; and 2 baby blankets.
Genia was working on a cabled sock using a wool worsted weight from Bemidji Woolen Mills out of Minnesota.
For information about dues please contact Marilyn Riffkin at mriffkin@juno.com. If you change your contact information please let Kathy Graziani know: sockmama@comcast.net.