Monday, November 27, 2006

The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK November Meeting

Thank you to Lauri Katz for taking minutes for the meeting. My retreat didn’t end until 7:30 so there was no point in even trying to get to the meeting.

In attendance were Jeanne Bohlen, Christine Estacion, Karen Gardner, Kathy Graziani, Donna Jaffe, Lauri Katz, Lorena Scott, Marilyn Rifkin, and Kathleen Walton.

Marilyn gave a terrific program on making coiled baskets. I am especially distressed that I missed this. The Holiday party was discussed and a menu sheet passed around. We will no-doubt have our traditional gift exchange so please bring something hand made (value of about $10).

In an email from Marilyn, she reports speaking to Mady who is in rehab from her knee surgery. She is doing quite well and should be home by now. We are all thinking of Mady and sending get well vibes so she will be up and about really soon.

Christine: hat for the troops; red, white and blue socks, and a Christmas sweater
Lauri: still working on the sleeves of her Einstein jacket and finished a couple pairs of socks that she left home
Donna J: a slip stitch sweater (with a story about running out of the same dye lot yarn for the sleeves!)
Kathy G.: a shawl
Marilyn: a Barbie dress (sleeveless evening gown)
Jeanne: a Faroese shawlette
Kathleen W.: cotton dishcloths and socks
Lorena: crocheted jewelry
Karen G.: a shawl that she has been working on for a l-o-n-g time

Next meeting: Our Holiday Party on December 6 (party starts at 6:30 so be sure to mark your calendars.)

See you at the party!

Dallas ;0]