Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK April Meeting

I hope everyone has been enjoying the greening/flowering of spring! I really enjoy all the fresh new color and the aromas of flowers and freshly cut grass. Of course, this does mark the beginning of my weekly chore of grass mowing and weeding but it is also the time to put away the coats, boots, heavy sweaters and other winter gear and get out the shorts, cotton sweaters, sandals, swimsuits . . . . you get my drift!

Our April meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. At Roll Call we were delighted to welcome back Alana Beyea and Ruth Kelly as well as members Christine Estacion, Karen Gardner, Kathy Graziani, Karen Hogan, Donna Jaffe, Lauri Katz, Marilyn Rifkin, Mady Segal, and Kathleen Walton. There were four new faces in the group which we were all excited about and welcomed Suzanne Reed, Jinny Townsend, Victoria Loop, and Margaret Byrns.

Old Business:
Lauri reported that there is enthusiasm with the other knitting guilds about the Hospitality Room at Stitches East and with a coordinator from each guild, we should be able to get something going. I am thinking about taking on that role and have been checking out contact information. I hope to have some information at the May meeting.

Since the MMK knitting retreat is on indefinite hold, Mady brought information about the CKG retreat which is open to other guilds. If you are interested, contact Mady.

Marilyn reported on the knitting tips website, www.knitnet.com. I have not yet checked it out, but plan to. You can never have too many good ideas to help with knitting projects!

New Business
Our subscription to “Stranded” is about to run out. We briefly discussed renewal and decided to vote at the May meeting. Kathleen Walton will bring the past copies for us to look at which will help with our decision. At the cost of $25 for 5 issues it is a bit pricey considering that it rarely gets read or the patterns used

Karen Gardner mentioned the knitting show on the DYI cable channel. If you get that, give it try.

Donna Jaffe presented our skill of the month, the provisional cast-on. As we all know, Donna makes this look effortless and uses it in almost all her beautiful projects. She had handouts for us to refer to.

Our knit-along program seems to be moving along. Marilyn has completed her Einstein coat and several others were working on theirs..

Our May program will be presented by Ruth Kelly before she heads off to Michigan for her summer hiatus. She will be teaching us how to make her lovely yarn necklace. The materials needed are listed at the end of the newsletter..

We ended, as always, with our Show and Share segment and adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Show and Share details:
Dallas Bolen: just returned from her rather involved two week vacation and hadn’t knitted a stitch!
Alana Beyea: is participating in another knit-along for an Aran sweater.
Kathleen Walton: is crocheting an afghan and working on some Angel’s rest socks
Christine Estacion: is working on a “feather & fan” baby blanket; a new summer top (a Sandra pattern) of Gedifra yarns;a Dale of Norway christening gown, and a “cables & crowns” baby blanket
Donna Jaffe: is doing a pullover with a simple calbed design
Lauri Katz: working on socks and her Einstein coat
Ruth Kelly: making an entrelac jacket
Marilyn Riffkin: completed her Einstein coat (which I enjoyed modeling!) and is currently working on a multi-colored shawl and the sleeves of a cinnamon colored sweater
Karen Gardner: didn’t write anything down and I didn’t notice until now – sorry Karen!
Mady Segal: finished her hat and “my Neck’s Best Thing” scarf in Noro Silk Garden and has a baby blanket in progress
Kathy Graziani: working on her Einstein coat and showed us “Paca Pouches” of alpaca yarn from Maryland alpacas
Karen Hogan: started over with new yarn for her Einstein coat and is working on a scarf
Suzanne Reed: working on an Aran sweater for her husband; a vest for the Seamen’s Church Institute; a cross stitch eyeglass case; and finishing up a needlepoint picture of Noah’s Ark started by her husband
Margaret Byrns: working on a baby blanket for her daughter’s baby due in November
Jinny Townsend: working on a Philosopher’s Wool Fair Isle sweater and a merino shawl
Victoria Loop: is a relatively new left-handed knitter and is working on her first sweater!

See you at the next meeting: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.

Program: Yarn Necklace presented by Ruth Kelly
Materials to bring: a yardstick
Needle nose pliers
8-10 yards each of several types of fun yarn
Skill: Three needle bind off
