The Prez Sez: Notes from the MMK March Meeting
My husband and I are leaving for Hawaii in ten days! We will be on the big island for the first week and Kauai for the second. Now that knitting needles are allowed on airplanes again, I am trying to choose a project to take with me; ten hours in the air should give me plenty of time to complete something – maybe socks??? My pre-vacation to-do list is quite long and at the top is the newsletter, so let me get going!
Our March meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. At Roll Call we checked off Jeanne Bohlen, Christine Estacion, Karen Gardner, Kathy Graziani, Karen Hogan, Donna Jaffe, Lauri Katz, Marilyn Rifkin, Lorena Scott, Mady Segal, and Kathleen Walton. Also attending was our needlepoint enthusiast, Emily Bennett!
Old Business:
I had copies of our Maryland Metro Knitters Guild flyer made and handed them out at the meeting. If you have a place to post one or would like to send one, let me know. I still have copies available.
The retreat was back on the table with a possible April date. There were so many conflicts with scheduling, apartment availability, etc. it was decided to again table the topic until fall.
We had no new business.
Lauri presented our skill of the month, decreasing, and included handouts for all present.
Marilyn told us about an online site that featured knitting tips. She will bring additional information to the next meeting.
Our program was the knitalong and most of the members got a good start to their Einstein coats. It will be interesting to see all the colors selected.
We decided to devote the April meeting to an important skill – casting on. Donna Jaffe will lead us in the ever popular but frustrating provisional cast on. Please bring a piece of string, yarn and needles to the meeting.
We ended, as always, with our Show and Share segment and adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Show and Share details:
Dallas Bolen: frogged the socks from last meeting and started again with a better pattern
Kathleen Walton: completed her lovely brown woolen shawl and was working on more socks
Marilyn Riffkin: got a good start on her Einstein jacket, ran low on the color of choice and started with a second color for a very attractive look
Karen Gardner: working on a scarf and her Einstein coat
Kathy Graziani: started her Einstein coat
Christine Estacion: was completing the last sock of two pairs for friends, a tubey from, and had made good progress on her baby blanket
Donna Jaffe: working on socks, a scarf, and her Einstein coat
Karen Hogan: completed her husband’s sweater and stole it from him to bring in to show. Also started her Einstein coat
Lauri Katz: working on socks
Jeanne Bohlen: knitted up an interesting cap that she was going to redesign and started the Einstein coat
Mady Segal: started her Einstein coat and showed a lovely scarf made from llama
Lorena Scott: was working on a beaded cell phone bag of her own design and an Aran scarf
Emily Bennett: needle pointing a magnolia flower to give as a gift
See you at the next meeting: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Program: Provisional Cast on (Don’t forget your string!)
Skill: Casting on